DSpace Repository
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Communities in ULK Repository
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(ULK, 2024)
design errors influence the poor cost and time performance of construction project, cost and time
overreport project performance
Building collapses, disputes, reduction of profit for contractors, reputation for consultants, ...
(ULK, 2024)
An original way to automate plant disease control and irrigation is the Automatic Plant Moisture
Monitoring System. This system monitors and controls the moisture content of the soil using an
LCD display, relays, moisture ...
UKEYE, Aline
(ULK, 2024)
The agricultural sector in Kamonyi District, Rwanda, faces significant post-harvest losses,
especially in maize storage, due to inadequate monitoring and management of essential storage
conditions. During my research, I ...
NGOGA, Adolphe
(ULK, 2024)
The core focus of this project lies in the development of an advanced Smart Energy Meter system,
integrating a user-friendly web application and NodeMCU technology. This innovative system
empowers users with the accessibility ...
(ULK, 2024)
This research seeks to fill this gap by suggesting construction of a five-story building as a modern
market facility in the Mahama sector of Kirehe District. The old-fashioned markets, Kabeza and
Munini, cannot meet the ...
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