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The Effects of Monitoring and Evaluation on the Performance of Diary Community Processing Centre in Rwanda

Show simple item record Harelimana, Jean Bosco Umugwaneza, Marthe 2024-11-21T10:47:42Z 2024-11-21T10:47:42Z 2024-02
dc.identifier.issn 3049-7159
dc.description.abstract This research is interested in carrying out research on the effects of Monitoring and Evaluation on the Performance of Diary Community Processing Centre in Rwanda. In order to assess the relationship between Industrial development projects monitoring and evaluation for projects performance, an assessment conducted demonstrated that Monitoring is being done on monthly, Quarterly, semi-annually and annually and evaluation is done during baseline stage, mid-way of the project, End term of project and ex post of the project. The results showed that 67.9% were strongly agreed that the developed indicators were being monitored and evaluated regularly, 89.3% of them were also strongly agreed that the developed Performance indicators track project/program changes and provided the details information on the Performance of the program at Burera Diary Ltd while 75% of the reported that there is an appropriate way to monitor and evaluate the project/program progress made along its implementations. The result from interview guide for NIRDA staffs showed that RMMF and M&E manuals were most useful M&E tools used by NIRDA M&E team to monitor and evaluate Burera Diary Ltd projects. They highlighted the aggregates and disaggregates indicators to be monitored and evaluated include, number of new jobs created, changes in sales and productions, changes in technologies used, changes in profits, changes in exports and assess how these listed indicators shall impact the lives of communities, Finally, the beneficiaries responded that their lives improved and more changes happened in their families like most of them bought land, built the houses and pay the tuition fees of their children. en_US
dc.publisher ASK Publishers en_US
dc.subject Monitoring and Evaluation en_US
dc.title The Effects of Monitoring and Evaluation on the Performance of Diary Community Processing Centre in Rwanda en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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