Water is very important in our daily life for living beings especially to human beings. According
the generation technology developed they try to found good ways to manage water and avoiding
unnecessary wastage of water and provide solutions to those problems. they use tank to
correcting water, but it still same issue to know if the tank is full or empty level or an event in
the tank, that Result of problems of overflow or dry running of the pump because are building
underground the soil or overhead of high raise building .in most of the cities of the nation and of
the world are facing those problems.
By observation during conducting this study, I found that many High-rise Buildings, hostels,
hotels and industries, the process of water filling is done by an overhead tank, which is usually
fed through an electric pump that needs to be switched off when the tank is filled up, and on
when it becomes empty. Generally, tanks are filled by observing till it full and is not easy to
know if tank is lower level.
This is one of the motivations for the current work and to deploy techniques in order to save
water and help the environment, which in turn ensures water for the future. Hence, it is of most
importance to preserve and save water. In many houses, there exists unnecessary wastage of
water due to overflow from overhead tanks.
I design this project water level indicator and pump controller using Node MCU ESP8266 to
solve those issues. By using sensors to detect various water levels, and employing a
microcontroller to process this information and control the pump, the project ensures consistent
water levels while minimizing human intervention and preventing overflow or dry running of the