Online Examination Attendance System Using Internet of Things is an electronic device embedded
into electronic student card designed to capture attendance records for students during
examinations at the Université Libre de Kigali (ULK). It facilitates the management of attendance
for each student in a particular examination room and helps in generating reports to ensure accurate
attendance tracking. Instead of manually signing an attendance sheet, attendance records are
captured electronically into a database, making them easier to manage.
The study will conduct in the examination department at ULK and resulted in the development of
an Online Examination Attendance System Using Internet of Things (OEASUIOT) that assists
management in automatically handling students' attendance records during exams.
The primary objective of the study will be to develop an Automated Examination Attendance
Records Management System for ULK. This system enables the management to automatically
capture and compute students' attendance records during examinations. The specific objectives
included investigating the current manual system, gathering requirements for the new system, and
designing, implementing, and testing the developed electronic system. Data was gathered using
interviews, observation, and questionnaires. The collected data was sorted and analyzed, revealing
that the current manual system is inefficient, time-consuming, and insecure, making it unsuitable
for managing attendance records.
With the newly developed system (OEASUIOT), management can electronically capture, store,
compute, and generate attendance reports automatically. The system also allows for data backup
on movable devices, ensuring data security and accessibility and reduce the time consumed by the
traditional system of recording daily attendance in examination room. So, everything here in turn
gets automated.