Show simple item record HARERIMANA, Aime 2025-03-20T13:18:33Z 2025-03-20T13:18:33Z 2024
dc.description.abstract The creation of an online mobile shopping platform for Kigali Phones Shop is the focus of this project. By offering a digital platform where customers can simply browse and purchase smartphones, tablets, and accessories, the main objective is to improve the shopping experience. The first chapter will cover the study's history, following the development of e-commerce from its inception through the efforts of companies like CompuServe and Amazon to more modern platforms like Alibaba and Jumia in Africa. It also looks at Rwanda's e-commerce scene, highlighting its growth in spite of a number of obstacles. The second chapter also discusses Database Management Systems (DBMS) detailing its structure, features, and types, including relational, object-oriented, and NoSQL databases; it also covers key concepts relevant to the Online Mobile Shopping System. The third project focuses on system analysis and design for the proposed online mobile shopping system for Kigali Phones Shop. It begins by addressing the issues with the current manual purchasing system by offering an online platform with features like customer registration, product catalogue management, shopping carts and Wishlist. Tools like data flow diagrams, entity-relationship diagrams, and a data dictionary are employed for system design and analysis. The final phase covers the implementation, coding and technology used such as PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript to develop Online Mobile Shopping System, where the conceptual idea is transformed into a functional platform facilitating smooth interactions between shoppers and suppliers. The implementation process involves selecting appropriate tools and technologies for both server and client sides to ensure a seamless user experience. Keywords: online, mobile, shopping, phone and system. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher ULK en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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