Landowners owe different duties to different types of people who enter their land. These
responsibilities vary, depending on whether the person is a trespasser, a licensee, or an invitee.
There is a rise of conflict between landowners competing land uses. In Huye district, landowners
are facing the issue of using the land in unplanned manner, for example where some use
residential areas in place of agricultural uses and vice versa. This normally affect the proper
implementation of land use planning which results into the existence of imbalances in land uses,
as well as the loss of desired benefits such as quantity harvested and infrastructure development.
Some landowners do not have sufficient capacity for implementing practical activities thereon the
land designed in land use planning due to poverty. This study was conducted for examining the
impacts of landowners in implementing land use planning in Rwanda. The specific objectives
were to assess the determinants of land use planning, to examine the role of landowners in land
use planning, and to explore the relationship between land owners and land use planning.
Primary data and secondary data required for achieving the objectives of this study were used.
Simple random sampling technique was applied for selecting the sample size of 99 respondents.
The data collected were processed using SPSS software, and results were interpreted using
figures. The results shows that there are several determinants of land use planning. Climate
change was selected at 31.25%, land holding inequality was selected at 22.18%, poor planning
skills was selected at 18.12%, the nature of land tenure security was selected at 16.16%, while the
existence of several land related disputes was selected at 12.29%. After data processing and
analysis, the results shows and represents that climate change was firstly selected as the major
determinant of land use planning. This is because there are many changes which may occurs
resulted from climate and affect the land use planning. Those may involves the increase in the
global warming, high rain fall, prolonged drought, and flooding which can also cause soil
erosion. As a recommendation, the government should establish and renew the land use planning
guidelines in order to enable their implementation by the population.