The research purpose was to examine the ‘‘electronic banking and customer satisfaction of commercial banks in Rwanda, case study: Bank of Kigali PLC Headquarter’’. The specific objectives of the study are to determine the electronic banking service offered by Bank of Kigali PLC Headquarter, to assess the impact of electronic banking on customer satisfaction of Bank of Kigali PLC Headquarter and to establish the relationship between Electronic Banking and Customer Satisfaction of Bank of Kigali PLC. The study used a descriptive research design in which both qualitative and quantitative techniques were utilized. Target population of the study comprised 579,000 users in Bank of Kigali PLC Headquarter by using bouchard formula, sample size is 96 users by selected randomly. The researcher distributed the questionnaires by using self-administered structured questionnaires and the data collected. The data was processed by using a statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 22.0 used to analyze the data collected through the questionnaire. The relationship between variables was established by using correlation model. To the findings based on objectives which the respondents perception on mobile banking on customer satisfaction of Bank of Kigali PLC Headquarter indicated that the respondents strongly agreed with Bank of Kigali PLC Headquarter, a customer can now bank his money using a cell-phone at home with a mean score of 4.3824 and standard deviation of 1.14865. Respondents also strongly agreed that the wireless banking has increased in Bank of Kigali PLC Headquarter financial services with a mean score of 4.3529 and standard deviation of 1.20203. Banks want to invest in ATMs to reduce branch cost since customers prefer to use them instead of a branch to transact business. The financial impact of ATMs is a marginal increase in fee income substantially offset by the cost of significant increases in the number of customer transactions. The value proposition however, is a significant increase in the intangible item customer satisfaction. The increase translates into improved customer loyalty that in result in higher customer retention and growing organization value. Internet banking is a lower-cost delivery channel and a way to increase sales. Internet banking services has become one of the most important factors in the business economy today