The main objective of this study was to examine the factors that influence performance of governance of Gasabo District. It was guided by the following specific objectives: To identify the influence of e-governance on the performance of governance in Gasabo District, assess the influence of board composition on the performance of governance in Gasabo District, find out the influence of stakeholder management on the performance of governance in Gasabo District, evaluate the influence of decision making on the performance of governance in Gasabo District and analyze the influence of voting process on the performance of governance in Gasabo District. To achieve these objectives, this study employed a descriptive and correlational design. Both quantitative and qualitative data were used to examine the relationship between governance factors and local government performance. The population of this study comprised 55 individuals, including Directors of unit and subordinates, members of the District Council, female councilors, and coordinators of various councils at the district level. The census inquiry method was employed due to the small population size, allowing the collection of data from every individual within the target population, avoiding the need for sampling techniques. Primary data were collected through questionnaires, structured interviews, and document reviews, while secondary data were gathered from existing documents relevant to the study. Descriptive statistics, such as frequencies and percentages, were used alongside inferential statistics, including correlation and regression analysis, to test the relationships among the variables. The study utilized SPSS (Version 25) and Microsoft Excel for data analysis. The results revealed R-Square value of 0.754 implies that approximately 75.4% of the variance in the performance of governance in local government entities can be explained by e-governance. The ANOVA results indicate that the regression model as a whole is significant with a high F- value of 105.274 and a p-value of 0.000 (which is less than the common alpha level of 0.05), indicating that the predictors jointly have a significant influence of board composition on the performance of governance in Gasabo District. Stakeholder management has a coefficient of β= 0.710, p value= 0.000, indicating a significant positive influence on performance of governance. Overall, the aggregate mean score (4.38, which is very high) indicates a very strong positive agreement with the decision-making processes in Gasabo District, with heterogeneity in responses (standard deviation of 0.701). The R Square value of 0.546 signifies that approximately 54.6% of the variance in performance of governance in Gasabo District can be explained by the predictors in the model. This highlighted the significant influence of voting process on the performance of governance in Gasabo District. The study concluded that improvements in governance practices, such as enhancing e-governance, board composition, stakeholder engagement, decision-making, and voting processes, are crucial for enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of local government entities. Gasabo District is recommended to invest in upgrading its e-governance platforms to improve user accessibility and functionality.