The general objective of this study is to analyse the role of internal auditing on managerial decision making of BK GROUP PLC for the period 2019-2022
The specific objectives of the study were . to analyse the effectiveness of internal auditing function in BK GROUP PLC. to assess the managerial decision making within BK GROUP PLC. T o determine the relationship between internal auditing and managerial decision making of BK GROUP PC . the sample size is 34. Referring to the research findings, all specific objectives: To analyse the effectiveness of internal auditing function in BK GROUP PLC, to assess the performance level of BK GROUP PLC over the period from 2019-2022 and to determine the relationship between internal auditing and decision making of BK GROUP PLC GROUP PLC from 2014 up to2017have been achieved. The findings showed that the internal audit function has a paramount influence on day to day operations of BK GROUP PLC by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of diary activities which increases its positive managerial decision. In addition, the income of BK GROUP PLC was increased every year at positive rate due to the effective and regular internal auditing. To assess the managerial decision making of BK GROUP PLC over the period from 2019–2022 where decisions taken by BK GROUP PLC in working capital where increase in Loans and Advances in 2019 was (127,787,246), in 2020 was (210,222,831), in 2021 was (173,236,264) and in 2022 was (154,086,432). I recommend BK To increase the number of internal auditors as bank of Kigali is expanding in order to implement internal audit objectives on the time. The number of staff should be increased as banking operations are continuously expanded in the times of size, volume, income. Regular training to all employees who are concerned by internal auditing.