The purpose of the study was to examine the contribution of digital payment system on performance of commercial bank Rwanda , The specific objectives were to examine the effectiveness of digital payment system provided by Bank of Kigali PLC, to determine the contribution of digital payment system on performance of Bank of Kigali PLC for this study researchers used documentation and questionnaire technique for collecting data, However secondary data were analyzed using trend analysis and ratios analysis. In this study, data were collected from 96 customers users of digital payment system of Equity Bank Rwanda Head office According to the table 4.5 responses provided by the respondents as shown in table number (81.2%) of total respondents strongly agreed and (16.4%) of total respondents agreed while (2.4%)were disagreed that Customers can also access banking services in deposit money, (91.6%)of total respondents strongly agreed and (8.4%) of total respondents agreed that digital banking usedformoneytransfer,(83.3%)oftotalrespondentsstronglyagreedand(16.6%)oftotal respondents agreed that digital banking used for Quick financial services (88.5%) of total respondents strongly agreed and (11.5%) of total respondents agreed that digital banking used for Quick financial services in Bank of Kigali PLC The table 4.14 shows the Return on Assets ratio during the covered period. From 2020 up to 2023.The ratio of Return on Assets are 2.95%; 2.95%; 3.22% and 3.52% respectively. This means that, in 2020 for 100 RWF of invested they got 2.95RWF; in 2021 for 100 RWF of invested they got 2.95RWF; in 2022 it got 3.22RWF and in 2022 got 3.52Rwfs. The table 4.15 shows that from 2020 up to 2023, the ratios of Return on Equity are as follow: 14.86%; 18.16%, 18.72% and 20.42% respectively. This means that, in 2020; for the 100Rwf investors have invested in bank, they generated in 14.86Rwf of benefit, in 2021 for the 100Rwf investors have invested in bank, they generated in 18.16Rwfof benefit, and in 2022 for the 100Rwf investors have invested in bank, they generated in 18.72Rwf of benefit and in 2023 for100Rwf investors have invested in bank, they generated in 20.42Rwf of benefit. Researcher confirmed that there is a significant relationship between Performance of Bank of Kigali PLC and Performance of Bank of Kigali PLC