The objective of the study is the impact of electronic banking to the financial performance on commercial bank in Rwanda, case study: Bank of Kigali main branch, period:2020-2023. The specific objective is to analyze effectiveness of electronic banking in Bank of Kigali Plc, to assess the effect of electronic banking to financial performance of Bank of Kigali Plc, this study subdivide by four different chapters, the first chapter gives the general introduction including introduction to the study, background of the study, statement of the problem, research objectives, research questions, and significance of the study, scope of the study and then organization of the study. The second chapter is the literature review it present theoretical literature related to electronic banking, empirical literature, critical review and conceptual framework. Chapter three is a research methodology it contains the research design, methods, study population, Sample size selection, methods and techniques adopted in this study. Chapter four analyzes and presents the data findings, and this study end by general conclusions suggestions. The chapter two provides an overview of different authors in respect to the topic. Firstly, it explains the key words of the topic have, so that future readers may have the clear idea of terms with which the topic is made up. And to reconcile theory with practice researchers opted to highlight notions of electronic banking, in commercial banks and banks’ performance. Methodology deals with the methods and principles of research process that are used in the study together with information or data analyzing ad interpreting it. In order to avoid the pitfall inherent in one specific way of collecting data, The chapter four deals with how the research is to be conduct in order to achieve the state objectives and it presents the research design and methodology that use to carry out the research. It presents the research design, the population and sample techniques, sample size, source of data, methods of data collection, data analysis, data processing analysis, data reliability and validity and limitations encounter during the research process finally ethical issues. With the data collected fromthe files and after anlysis the financial statement the researcher confirmed that there is good performance, and also researcher confirmed that all objective of this study were achieved and the hypothesis were verified and confirmed.Based on the finding the researcher suggest that bank of Kigali establish the followings issues that help to increase its performance: trained the users of electronic tools, decrease the charges for services of transactions increase agents in hall countries in order to facilitate its customers to access to its services.