This thesis, titled “The Impact of Decentralization for Governance on the Development 0f
Citizens: Case of Ngororero District (2020-2024),” aimed to achieve four main objectives.
These were: to examine how decentralization of governance empowers communities to
become self-reliant in local development programs; to identify the most effective channels
and frameworks for promoting community accountability, transparency, and efficiency for
sustainable democratization of development; to explore government programs that enable
local self-governance; and to determine the role of the community in sustaining local self-
governance. To achieve these objectives, data collection methods such as questionnaires,
interviews, and document analysis were used. Information was gathered from 160
participants selected from a population of 2,083 individuals, including district council
members, the officer in charge of good governance, executive secretaries at the sector and
cell levels, village executive committees, and representatives of youth and women
cooperatives in each sector. The sample size of 160 respondents was analyzed using
descriptive and inferential statistics. Key findings revealed that 90% of respondents were
aware of the self-governance policy, its structure, and objectives. In terms of community
accountability, transparency, and service delivery, 43.9% of respondents rated their
performance as very good, with no respondents indicating poor performance or a need for
significant improvement. This suggests that self-governance has positively impacted local
policy implementation. Regarding participation in the Vision Umurenge Program (VUP),
57.1% of respondents rated their involvement as very good, highlighting active participation
and clear program benefits. Additionally, all households in the cell were encouraged to
participate in discussions about poverty, as evidenced by a strong mean score of 4.0954 and a
standard deviation of .51458. This analysis of poverty informs efforts to reduce it. In
conclusion, while self-governance has proven to be a key factor in the democratization and
socio-economic development of citizens, the government and community must continue to
work together. Achieving sustainable development through self-governance requires ongoing
commitment from all stakeholders.