The study conducted aims to find out the role of decentralization of authority on socioeconomic
development of citizens in Nyakaliro sector, Rwamagana district. the study specific objectives
are Assess the influences of political decentralization on socioeconomic development indicators
such as income levels, access to public services, and community engagement. Examine the
impact of administrative decentralization on the efficiency of public service delivery, educational
attainment, healthcare access, and local economic activity in Nyakaliro sector. To Investigate the
extent to which fiscal decentralization affects the allocation and utilization of financial resources
such as infrastructure quality, local business growth, and poverty reduction in Nyakaliro sector
the study employs the mixture of qualitative and quantitative design, simple random sampling
technique was used in selecting the sample while questionnaire, interview and documentation
were used in collecting the data while descriptive statistical analysis and thematic analysis were
used in analyzing the data. Regarding on socioeconomic development of the citizens based on
decentralization of authority and, the study finds effectiveness of decentralization to promote
socioeconomic development and also support participation of the citizens when decentralization
is applied. On the effects of accessing decentralization initiatives such as political
decentralization initiatives, administrative decentralization, fiscal decentralization and IREMBO
known as service delivery decentralization." This form of decentralization involves distributing
the management and delivery of public services to local or specialized entities to make them
more accessible and efficient.
the study finds that it strengthens social ties and cooperation and enhances the ability to secure
positive and supportive ideas from community engagement. The study finds the challenges faced
by decentralization of authority on socioeconomic development of the citizens in implication of
policies formulated by government that can benefit the local community, the study finds
inadequate participation of citizens and communicates barriers between program implementors
and communities’ participation as a result of decentralization. The study recommends that
nowadays a decentralization is needed to achieve beneficial socioeconomic development.