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Structural design of a five storey modern market building Case of Kirehe, Mahama Sector

Show simple item record NDAGIJIMANA, Pilote 2025-03-21T12:54:32Z 2025-03-21T12:54:32Z 2024
dc.description.abstract This research seeks to fill this gap by suggesting construction of a five-story building as a modern market facility in the Mahama sector of Kirehe District. The old-fashioned markets, Kabeza and Munini, cannot meet the increasing customers, and continues to increase as demand rises. This study was carried out in order to prove this hypothesis and offer adequate technical solutions for the construction of the new market building. The other methods adopted in the study include analytical methods in the designing of structural parts like slabs, beams, columns, and also their supporting base-kinds of foundation, staircases and ramps. The software programs were ArchiCAD 24 for Plan, Sections, Elevation, Perspective and other architectural drawings, etabs for structural analysis and manual beam design calculations with reinforcement detailing. ArcGIS and Google earth were included for the mapping and positioning of the study area. This building consists of a five story Modern market building which located in Eastern province Kirehe district Mahama sector, it has 27rooms each floor and ground floor aredimensioned of 3438cm*4136 and first floor up to five floors are the same dimension of 3230cm*3930cm. It has a five story where from the ground floor to the five floors is for market purposes. The results showed that the designed steel reinforcements to be arranged in slab were 6bars of 12mm of diameter at the top 6Ф12mm and 4Ф12mm at the bottom while for T beam designed steel reinforcements were 4Ф12mm at the top and 4Ф14mm at the bottom another L beam designed steel reinforcement were 4Ф12mm at the top and 3Ф14mm at the bottom. And for column the designed steel reinforcement was 4Ф20mm for ground floor part the column and 4Ф12mm for first floor, second, third, fourth and fifth floor designed steel reinforcement were 4Ф12mm while foundation steel designed by Prokon software that shows reinforcement were 6Ф20mm for the stair designed steel reinforcement were 2Ф10mm/m for main and 2Ф12mm a ramp design steel reinforcement was 6Ф10mm. The findings of the study are essential for this modern multi storied market building construction project in Mahama as they enhance the poor market infrastructure available now and promote economic progress within the area. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher ULK en_US
dc.subject Structural design, en_US
dc.subject Structural design en_US
dc.title Structural design of a five storey modern market building Case of Kirehe, Mahama Sector en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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