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Design and implementation of a smart energy meter system for residential purpose

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dc.description.abstract The core focus of this project lies in the development of an advanced Smart Energy Meter system, integrating a user-friendly web application and NodeMCU technology. This innovative system empowers users with the accessibility to monitor and manage their electricity consumption efficiently and effectively. Through an intuitive web application, users gain access to real-time data encompassing critical parameters, including voltage, power, power factor, and various essential metrics via a seamlessly designed web interface. One of the ground-breaking features of my system is its ability to simplify the process of loading tokens. Users can effortlessly regulate their energy consumption from their computers or mobile devices using the web interface, eliminating the need for complex, manual procedures. The convergence of a user-friendly web dashboard and Node MCU technology creates an accessible, transparent, and highly efficient solution. With this project, the objective is to revolutionize the way individuals engage with their energy consumption. By providing accurate, real-time data and an effortless means of control, aim to set new standards in energy management. The Smart Energy Meter system promises enhanced user-friendliness and accessibility, ushering in a future where electricity management is simplified and truly responsive to the needs of the users. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher ULK en_US
dc.subject Smart Energy en_US
dc.title Design and implementation of a smart energy meter system for residential purpose en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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