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Design and implementation of an automatic plant moisture

Show simple item record NSHIMIYIMANA, Placide 2025-03-21T13:20:16Z 2025-03-21T13:20:16Z 2024
dc.description.abstract An original way to automate plant disease control and irrigation is the Automatic Plant Moisture Monitoring System. This system monitors and controls the moisture content of the soil using an LCD display, relays, moisture sensors, and an Arduino microcontroller. A water pump is activated to irrigate the plants automatically when the water content falls below a certain threshold, which is monitored by moisture sensors placed in the soil. There is less chance of overwatering or under-watering because to this real-time response that makes sure the plants get the right amount of water. By streamlining irrigation management, the technology relieves users of the requirement for ongoing manual monitoring. The system has a second pump that is especially made to guard against fungal infections in addition to irrigation. The purpose of this pump is to spray the plants with an antifungal solution on a periodical basis. This characteristic keeps the plants healthy and disease-free by preventing fungal infections, which are common in humid areas. Without continual human intervention, the monthly spraying helps to maintain a preventive approach to plant health. Users can track the moisture content of the soil in real time by viewing the data from the moisture sensors on an LCD screen. Users may remain informed about plant conditions and system operation thanks to this easy-to-read display. This technology offers farmers and gardeners an effective, user-friendly way to prevent fungal diseases and automate irrigation. It is a useful tool for contemporary agricultural methods because it conserves time, water, and fosters stronger plants. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher ULK en_US
dc.title Design and implementation of an automatic plant moisture en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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