The management of a construction project in a sustainable way should focus on the entire process
from an early design stage towards the final product and on the benefits and negative impacts that
are to be expected during the life of the facility. To manage such a process, sustainably, there is a
need for some kind of management system or tool from the perspective of the process owner and
the management of the project. To link sustainability with quality and environmental aspects is
one way to systemize this process. This study investigates the level of adoption of sustainable
construction management in the construction industry to improve its implementation. The
quantitative research approach was used for the study. The research design was a survey
(Questionnaire) in nature. The simple random sampling technique and purposive or judgemental
sampling techniques were adopted. The respondents were the architects, engineers, and quantity
surveyors registered in professional bodies. Hence 43 respondents filled and returned the
questionnaires. Data analysis was done with frequency, mean scores, t-test, and analysis of
reliability (using Cronbach alpha). In addition, all data were presented in tables. This study also
assessed the awareness and performance of the roles of sustainable construction managers, drivers
of SCM on the construction projects, challenges hindering their uptake, and the solutions or
strategies through which SCM adoption may be improved. Results showed the levels of awareness
and performance are still low. there is more necessary to improve the awareness among the
construction managers to strongly improve the adoption of sustainable construction management.
It was concluded there is a low level of adoption of sustainable construction management, thus
there is a strong need for improving the awareness ofsustainable construction management among
the construction players, conducting the training on benefits of SCM and, mandating the use of
sustainable construction management on big projects. This research is expected to improve the
awareness and performance of SCM and its drivers in the construction industry by the fight against
the relevant challenges and promoting the strategies identified in this study. Future research should
be conducted to identify the main factors for improving the Adoption of SCM.