Nowadays brick paver are mostly made in cement sand and coarse aggregates, but as we
know all these ingredients are expensive and not easy for everyone to afford it that is why
we decided to propose a new paver made in cement, waste glasses, saw dust and laterite
which are available and at low cost.
However, extraction of these large quantities of natural resources has resulted in
continuous 6 depletion of earth’s natural resources which may lead to environmental
degradation. 10 Waste glass can be recycled as a replacement for natural aggregates and
cement; therefore, reducing the amount of waste glass dumped in landfills, and produces a
new paver which is strong enough.
This study reviews 37 of recycled waste glass and uses of laterite soil, the standards, and
sustainable uses of waste glass, laterite and saw dust as construction materials. 10 As the
world population continues to increase, including an increase in the standard of living, the
volume of generated glass waste will only continue to increase. 25 The use of recycled
waste materials in building construction is viewed as a sustainable way of managing
wastes and preserving the environment from further degradation and laterite is a good
construction material as it is friendly with weathering and gains strength when exposed on
air, also pavers are always exposed on weather, so this means that this new proposed
paver will be a solution to the society. Brick paver we produced had a required
compressive strength as recommended by Rwanda standard RS 415:2009 and its water
absorption was 4.9% as determined in laboratory this permit these pavers to be used in
Rwanda. The joinery residual called sawdust was used as filler materials.