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Analysis of the legal and institutional framework for promoting foreign direct investment (FDI) in Rwanda

Show simple item record KAMANZI, INNOCENT 2025-03-24T15:47:40Z 2025-03-24T15:47:40Z 2024
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this particular study is to analyze a number of existing legal instruments that were designed to promote in one way or another FDI in Rwanda. The study ended up establishing that current legislation is relatively adequate in attracting FDI into the country through a creation of conducive investment climate to a foreign registered investor including equal treatment between foreigners and nationals. Furthermore, Rwanda has ratified a number of international conventions and become a member of some Regional Economic Integration, such as EAC, COMESA and AfCFTA as a part of its efforts to enlarge market for investors registered in Rwanda. It is good to note that despite of some reforms that have been undertaken by Rwanda so as to promote FDI; the implementation is still relatively low. A legal and institutional framework for promoting FDI will therefore require constant and lucid efforts from the Government. A big number of law reforms to be initiated are highly commended. As a matter of fact, when asked about implementation of laws related to aftercare services, nearly 40% of investors including foreign ones responded saying that there is still a long way to go before existing legal texts be fully implemented. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher ULK en_US
dc.title Analysis of the legal and institutional framework for promoting foreign direct investment (FDI) in Rwanda en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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