The study on the human rights respect during expropriation for public interests in Rwanda
had objectives of assessing the level of human rights respect during expropriation for public
interests, to propose mechanisms to prevent human rights violations during expropriation, to
propose effective remedial actions for victims of human rights violations resulted from
expropriations and to formulate recommendations to relevant stakeholders. This chapter
draws conclusions from the study and issues recommendations to concerned organs. As
problem statement, the implementation of a policy of expropriation is necessary in Rwanda
for the promotion of modern developments that will have positive impacts on Rwanda‘s
citizens. In general, Rwandans support the government‘s development plans and are often
supportive of expropriation projects that affect their own lands. However, many expropriated
households report being negatively impacted by low valuation of their properties and delayed
compensation payments. In Rwanda‘s predominantly rural economy, these types of delays
can cause extreme hardship on vulnerable groups such as subsistence farmers and female-
headed households. Urban dwellers likewise report problematic application of the procedural
requirements of the expropriation law. Improved planning and coordination to ensure that
expropriation projects are not commenced without proper allocation of funds or preparation
for construction or related work will lessen the negative impacts of expropriation on affected
households and individuals. Moreover, an increased effort to involve citizens, and in
particular expropriated households, at every stage in the process is likely to garner more
support for expropriations, and also individual satisfaction with the process overall.The first
chapter introduced the study; the second chapter highlighted the literature review on
expropriation and human rights; the third chapter assessed the various abuses committed in
the implementation of expropriation projects; the fourth chapter proposed different
mechanisms to prevent and remedy violations of public liberties during expropriations